Guide Sulawesi Birding And Wildlife

Wildlife Tour Sulawesi Packages

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Wildlife Tour Sulawesi Island Indonesia

Sulawesi Island is one of the interesting place which is very nice for wildlife tour. Sulawesi Island is one of the areas in Indonesia that has only a lot of biodiversity, especially endemic animals that live and can be found on this island. Some of the most famous endemic animals on the island of Sulawesi include the Babirusa Sulawesi / Sulawesi Pig Deer ( Babyrousa Celebensis ), Babirusa Togean/ Togean Pig Deer ( Babyrousa Togeanensis ) , Lowland Anoa ( Bubalus Depressicornis ), Highland Anoa ( Bubalus Quarlesi ) Sulawesi Civet (Macrogalidia musschenbrokii), Sulawesi Pig (Sus celebensis) and White-tailed Rat (Maxomys hellwandi). In addition to endemic animals, Sulawesi Island also has endemic primates that spread from the north to the south of the island such as the Sulawesi Black Monkey and Tarsier. It is recorded that until now there are eight types of tailless monkeys that we can find and die on the island of Sulawesi, namely the Wolai Monkey (Macaca Nigra), Gorontalo / Dumoga Monkey (Macaca Nigrescens), Dihe Monkey (Macaca Hecky), Tonkean Monkey (Macaca Tonkeana), Dare Monkey (Macaca Maura), Butung Monkey (Macaca Ochreata), Buton Monkey (Macaca Brunnescens) and Togean Monkey (Macaca Togeanus). For Tarsier, Sulawesi Island currently has 12 endemic species scattered throughout the island of Sulawesi, namely the Gursky Spectral Tarsier (Tarsius Spectrumgurskyae), Jatna Tarsier (Tarsius supriatnai), Dian Tarsier (Tarsius dentatus), Dwarf Tarsier (Tarsius pumilus), Lariang Tarsier (Tarsius Lariang), Tarsier Wallacei (Tarsius Wallacei), Tarsier Tarsier (Tarsius tarsier), Tarsier Niemetz (Tarsius niemitzi), Tarsier Sangihe (Tarsius sangirensis), Tarsier Siau (Tarsius tumpara) and Tarsius Pelengensis (Tarsius pelengensis). In addition, Sulawesi Island also has two types of marsupials, namely the Sulawesi Bear Cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) and the Dwarf Cuscus (Strigocuscuc celebensis).

Babirusa Sulawesi
Babirusa Sulawesi

The Wildlife lover will certainly be a memorable experience and will not be forgotten when they can see and observe them in their natural habitat. Some types of these endemic animals can be easily observed in several national park areas on the island of Sulawesi, but some species also have to be explored patiently to be able to observe and be able to see them in the wild where they live. With the vast natural conditions of the island of Sulawesi, it is not easy to observe them in their natural habitat, especially some species that have their own place or area to observe and see, such as several types of Tarsier and Babirusa ( Pig Deer ). For those of you who want to observe the endemic animals of Sulawesi Island, we are ready to organize your trip with our wildlife Sulawesi tour  packages. In addition to offering wildlife tour packages that we have, we are also ready if you want a wildlife Sulawesi adventure trip according to your wishes and plans. Please check our website  wildlife Sulawesi tour packages.

Please also e-mail us at and call or chat us in WhatsApp at +62 82194743434 to consult about the travel program you want. We are happy to serve your adventure travel plans to the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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