Guide Sulawesi Birding And Wildlife


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Sulawesi is the eleventh largest island in the world and covers an area of ​​174,600 km2. The central part of the island is mountainous with a rough surface so that the peninsulas of Sulawesi are basically far from each other and easier to reach by sea than by road. There are three bays that divide the peninsulas of Sulawesi, from north to south, namely Tomini, Tolo, and Bone Bays. The three separate the Minahasa Peninsula or the North Peninsula, the East Peninsula, the Southeast Peninsula, and the South Peninsula. The Makassar Strait runs along the west side of the island. Sulawesi is surrounded by Borneo to the west, the Philippines to the north, Maluku to the east, and Flores and Timor to the south.


  • 7D 6N Tour explore Makassar, Toraja, Tentena and Palu.
  • 9D 8N Tour explore Ampana, Tentena, Toraja, Makassar.
  • 12D 11N Tour explore Togean, Gorontalo, Manado.
  • 15D 14N Tour explore Ampana, Togean, Gorontalo, Manado.
  • 23D 22N Tour explore Poso, Togean, Gorontalo, Tomohon, Manado.
  • 27D 26N Tour explore Makassar, Toraja, Tentena, Togean, Gorontalo, Tomohon, Manado.

Tour-Guide Sulawesi act only as tour organizer for the passenger in regard to travel, whether by railroad, motorcar, motor coach, boat, or airplane, and assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of defect in any vehicle or for any reason whatsoever or through the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour. Tour-Guide Sulawesi can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, or other causes. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger, as tour rates provide for arrangements only for the time stated. Baggage is at the owner’s risk entirely. The airlines concerned and their agents and affiliates are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are not on board their aircraft.


In addition to the tour programs that we offer, we also serve tour request for overland tour in all other parts in Sulawesi Island :

  • Explore Sangihe and Talaut Island
  • Explore Banggai Island
  • Explore Sombori Island
  • Explore Selayar Island
  • Explore Buol and Toli-Toli
  • Explore Mamuju West Sulawesi

More info and booking let us to know in or chat us in WhatsApp

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